Monday, March 31, 2008
Spring Break
It's Spring Break! A time for going on vacation, sitting on a beach, and all around do nothing lazy goodness, that's unless you work in maintenance, then it's picking up trash and cleaning out the lawn shed 40 hours a week. Yay!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Senior Pictures
Since it's hard for me to make a good judgment of myself, I'm asking for your people's opinion. I just finished getting my senior pictures taken(thank you Chanda!), and I'm trying to decide which ones to pick.
I've already decided on this one for sure...

Now I need to pick two out of the next four...
Please leave your comments, and let me know what you think. :)
I've already decided on this one for sure...

Now I need to pick two out of the next four...

Please leave your comments, and let me know what you think. :)
Super Smash Bros.
Now I don't consider myself much of a geek, very rarely do I play video games for long periods of time and I'm never very good at any of them, but yesterday I completely geeked-out. I must have played "Super Smash Brothers Brawl" for at least 5 hours, played Risk, went bowling, and played tennis without a net, and all this without any girls present, I don't know what's happening to me.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Mad As Rabbits
My Internet officially works long as I keep my TV unhooked.
In other news, it snowed last night, and the roads suck.
In other news, it snowed last night, and the roads suck.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Stone Age
My Internet died yesterday afternoon, so I'm posting from my iPod
while I'm at work. I don't know when it'll be working again, they're
supposed to come out to fix it sometime today, but until then I'm
stuck in the stone age.
Update: I'm back, but not sure for how long.
while I'm at work. I don't know when it'll be working again, they're
supposed to come out to fix it sometime today, but until then I'm
stuck in the stone age.
Update: I'm back, but not sure for how long.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Gut Feelings
On Monday I was up half the night with a gut feeling that something I wouldn't like would happen yesterday, and that something did happen, but now I'm glad it did. Gotta love being a teenager :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
"We're So Starving"
"Oh, how it's been so long.
We're so sorry we've been gone.
We were busy writing songs for...
We're so sorry we've been gone.
We were busy writing songs for...
When I woke up this morning I turned on my Lappy, pushed the 'download' button, and Panic At The Disco's "Pretty. Odd." was in my living room. I quickly synced up my iPods, and headed off to work. This album left me speechless with amazement, it's a unique musical experience that surpasses "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". Every note will leave you begging for another one, every line will stick in your mind for days. Panic has matured both musically and lyrically, it's amazing that this is only their sophomore album. Talent like this is one in a million, my hat goes off to Panic At The Disco.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Dr. Death
Dr. Jack Kevorkian is running for congress, lets pray to God that he doesn't get elected(but if he does, he might get a chance to pop off a few crappy politicians).
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Good Friday
God himself suffered and died today, and he did it for us, insignificant pieces of flesh standing on a hunk of rock.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
On the same note as yesterday...
Yesterday on the "Today Show" they gave this piece about how 25% of marriages have to deal with infidelity, so they asked a panel of experts(all men) why these numbers are so high. The "experts" argument was that men, like all male animals, are hardwired to want to have as many babies, with as many different women, as possible, this expands, strengthens, and diversifies the gene pool. I think that's the biggest cop-out I've heard so far, yes men are wired to want to have sex, but that's not anywhere near an excuse to cheat on your wife. It's a sad society when "I can't help myself, I'm wired to do this" becomes a legitimate excuse for sinful actions.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
I was watching the "Today Show" a couple days ago, and they had a couple on that just had their 83rd wedding anniversary. They got married in 1925, he was 18, and she was 16. In the society we live in now, it's considered a "bad idea" to get married at a young age, because of a lack of maturity, but the society we live in now also has a 50% divorce rate. Are those two things related? I believe they are. Now I'm not saying everybody should get married young, both parties involved do need to be mature. But I believe that when you get married young(lets say before 20), you finish your last few years of growing with your spouse, your personalities develop together into a better relationship. Just wanted to share my thoughts, please argue with me :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Grand Theft Auto, Gardening, and Panic!
This morning I helped somebody break into somebody else's car, it was
surprisingly fun.
Speaking of cars, I'll be getting my car back the first of April!!
Better gas mileage than my truck, way prettier than my truck, and a
bigger back seat than my truck(for gardening :) I love my car!
Seven more days until Panic! At The Disco's new album "Pretty. Odd."
comes out, I'm practically holding my breath with excitement.
surprisingly fun.
Speaking of cars, I'll be getting my car back the first of April!!
Better gas mileage than my truck, way prettier than my truck, and a
bigger back seat than my truck(for gardening :) I love my car!
Seven more days until Panic! At The Disco's new album "Pretty. Odd."
comes out, I'm practically holding my breath with excitement.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!!
Okay, so it's not the official celebration of St. Patrick's feast day, it was moved to the 15th(I think), because of today being the Monday of Holy Week. But it's still March 17th, and my Irish blood is screaming Saint Patrick's Day!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Thursday, March 13, 2008
The "Hell in Highschool Trilogy" is finished!
The MME is finally over!! I left Carson Highschool knowing that I did my best, that I'll probably never have to go back into that building, and with some random girl's phone number.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Natives and Shrinks
Testing all of yesterday morning at the highschool just reaffirmed my belief in the stupidity of Carson City natives(excluding a select few). I go into the highschool whenever I think I'm having a bad day, and after about an hour of observing the locals, my life starts looking just gorgeous. It's cheaper than going to a shrink.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
In less than one hour I'll be taking the ACT, it will be the second,
and hopefully last, time I'm taking it. I have zero worries about it,
only because I already have a good score, so there's no pressure. Ahh,
the joys of highschool.
and hopefully last, time I'm taking it. I have zero worries about it,
only because I already have a good score, so there's no pressure. Ahh,
the joys of highschool.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Sleep Habits
When I become President, I'm going to propose completely getting rid of Daylight Savings Time, due to the fact that it screws up maintenance worker's sleep habit.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Catholic Churches
Setting aside all other religious and moral differences, Catholic have, by far, the prettiest churches.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Due to chronic sleep deprivation and just plain busyness, I'm using a guest quote as my post today...
"Babysitting while in highschool is like being a teenage parent, only without the fun part" by Trenton
You guys will probably hate this guest quote as much as you hated the last one I posted, but coming from him it was just hilarious.
"Babysitting while in highschool is like being a teenage parent, only without the fun part" by Trenton
You guys will probably hate this guest quote as much as you hated the last one I posted, but coming from him it was just hilarious.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Last night I watched "SiCKO" by Michael Moore, a two hour movie-documentary on healthcare in the United States and other countries. I enjoyed the movie, there were a couple things that I'd like to have had more detail on, but overall I thought Moore argued his opinion on national healthcare very well. Now I don't like Michael Moore as a person, he seems very pushy and obnoxious(plus he's a left wing nut case), but I like his style of writing and directing. I think that anybody interested in politics and healthcare should watch it, whether they agree with nationalized healthcare or not.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
"I Got Ten Friends And A Crowbar That Say You Ain't Gonna Do Jack"
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
GOP Nominee
And John McCain is now the GOP nominee, so long Huckabee, you put up a valiant fight. You can read about it here. Now what really pisses me off(sorry for the outburst), is that CNN article doesn't mention anything about Ron Paul! I want to know what happened to the guy who stood for our nation's founding principles.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
The Catholic Blog Awards
If you don't live in Ohio or Texas, but you still really want to vote today, don't fret! Go to The Catholic Blog Awards, and vote for Captain Hat as the Best New Catholic Blog. You know you want to!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
"Gorgeous" Serial Killer
I learned that using the words "Beautiful", "Gorgeous", and "Pretty" make me a 35 year old serial killer. Gotta enjoy life to the fullest...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
I'm Back
I made it through the extraction of my wisdom, I have survived! The best parts were the "not having to go to work" part, and the "I just had a vicodin, and I feel great" part.
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