Thursday, May 1, 2008

Single Guy

I've come to the conclusion that there's people meant to be single, and people meant to be married, Now this can change, I know about a guy who was married for over ten years, his wife died, then a few years later he goes through the seminary. I've also come to the conclusion that at this time I'm not meant to be single. I feel the constant need to be with another human, I feel the need to give my self to another person in unselfish love, and I have a lingering loneliness that doesn't let up unless I'm with another person. Now this doesn't mean I will go out and date whoever walks by, but it means that if I'm not in some way together with somebody, I will be actively searching for somebody. One of my worst fears is living by myself.


  1. Congratulations, you are like most people.

  2. I have the same fear sometimes, but I just say 'hey, God, if you want me to get married, drop the right guy in front of me.'
