Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I was watching the "Today Show" a couple days ago, and they had a couple on that just had their 83rd wedding anniversary. They got married in 1925, he was 18, and she was 16. In the society we live in now, it's considered a "bad idea" to get married at a young age, because of a lack of maturity, but the society we live in now also has a 50% divorce rate. Are those two things related? I believe they are. Now I'm not saying everybody should get married young, both parties involved do need to be mature. But I believe that when you get married young(lets say before 20), you finish your last few years of growing with your spouse, your personalities develop together into a better relationship. Just wanted to share my thoughts, please argue with me :)


  1. another statistic: those who are married through at least part of their college years have a higher divorce rate than those couples who get married after college. So your theory only works if you don't go to college. Age isn't the issue. The sacredness of marriage is. Many people don't consider marriage sacred anymore, even Christians tend to forget, and the sacrament is abused. Marriage is a low priority in people's lives. Finances, health, careers, and other things all rank above marriage as priorities in people's lives. Also, people today have the mindset that before marriage they're "free" and can do whatever they want - this destroys their future marriage.

  2. I've never thought of it that way... linking it to age. One theory a lot of people propose is that people were more mature at younger ages back then.

    You know what I think the root of marriage problems these days it? Our whole Western culture is intensely egotistic and selfish. The whole "every man for himself" concept works well in government, but wreaks havoc on marriage.

    Oh, and as for who I am... I distantly know Mrs. W. I'm Jaden Poser on Facebook and kaedajnor on AIM/Yahoo if you want to chat music sometime.

    If you want a good NIN song, check out "Capital G", "The Good Soldier", "Only", or "The Hand That Feeds". All of them are really catchy industrial.

    - Jaden

  3. I agree with Christian, I think it's better to have your personality grow on its own, what if you had a bf/gf all through high school and then you broke up? That "fused personality" would be broken because you were no longer with the original person.

    I also agree with Jaden, people did have to be mature at an earlier age in the older days, doing more work around the house, etc. These days, everything is handed to us on a silver platter.

  4. lol I don't want to argue with you. That's not fun..
    But I believe they are related as well..
    And by the way.. today was worse than I expected.. and you're not on to talk :(
    It's sad.
