Thursday, March 20, 2008

On the same note as yesterday...

Yesterday on the "Today Show" they gave this piece about how 25% of marriages have to deal with infidelity, so they asked a panel of experts(all men) why these numbers are so high. The "experts" argument was that men, like all male animals, are hardwired to want to have as many babies, with as many different women, as possible, this expands, strengthens, and diversifies the gene pool. I think that's the biggest cop-out I've heard so far, yes men are wired to want to have sex, but that's not anywhere near an excuse to cheat on your wife. It's a sad society when "I can't help myself, I'm wired to do this" becomes a legitimate excuse for sinful actions.


  1. That is what I fear for..
    Terrible guys like that.

  2. haha i agree. they should have to take tests. It makes me mad. Or they should have special farmer roads. lol. Just for tractors or trucks with trailers.. that sort of thing. and you can drive on it if you want but you know what you got yourself into. lol.
    And yeah.. Idk how to tell them apart.. I'm bad at that. That's just me though..
    Hope you have a good day at work.. cuz I think that's where you are right now. lol.
