Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Guest Quote

Today I'm using another guest quote...

"With the tax breaks, and social security money, children are practically an investment, and starting your portfolio is great fun."

The author wishes to remain nameless.

Edit: The auther now wishes to be known as "The Little Guy"


  1. Heh.

    That's all I can say without risking an internet flame war. But keep in mind all the mirth that accompanies my simple "heh".


    - Jaden

  2. tHaha. I always find it funny that, when you look at the reactions of people after someone tells a joke like that, the girls are always the ones somewhat scowling, while the guys are usually either all grinning or laughing their heads off.

  3. It's because guys are retards. Really, we are. Jokes like this should drive out any doubt. ;)

    - Jaden

  4. Okay, I feel like throwing my opinion out here. This is a joke about a perfectly moral and normal thing, in a moral and normal context, so how are "jokes like this" sick? And I agree 100% with Jaden about guys being retards, we're stupid, uncreative, and single minded.
